Bundy Refrigeration
Innovative Cooling System Solutions


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Italy Italy
Bundy Refrigeration Srl
Via G. Ponassi, 11
Località La Palazzina 15060 Borghetto Borbera (AL)
Phone:(+39) 0143 638 611
Fax: (+39) 0143 638 613

Germay Germany
Bundy Refrigeration GmbH
Industriestraße 1
D-99752 Bleicherode
Phone: (+49) 363 38 451 9300 
Fax: (+49) 363 38 451 9410

Hungary Hungary
Bundy Kft
Ipari út 1
H-5123 Jászárokszállás
Phone: +(36) 57 531 800
Fax: +(36) 57 430 830

Turkey Turkey
Org.San.Bölg. 4. Kısım İsmail Sarıgözoğlu Cad. No.5 P.K. 
45030 Manisa
Phone: (+90) 236 213 08 30
Fax: (+90) 236 233 70 77

Mexico Mexico
Bundy Refrigeration Mexico
Circuito Balvanera No. 22
Complejo Industrial Balvanera Corregidora
Querétaro C. P. 76900
Phone: (+52) 442 1928800

Colombia Colombia
Brus Refrigeration of Colombia Ltda
Kilometro 1,5 Vía Funza Siberia
Parque Industrial San Diego Bodega 1H
250020 Funza (Cundinamarca)
Phone: (+57) 1 724 5858

Brazil Brazil
Bundy Refrigeração Brasil Ind e Comércio
Rua Rodolpho Hatschbach 1431
Curitiba PR CEP 81460-030
Phone: (+55) 41 3111 7250
Fax: (+55) 41 3111 7215

Brazil Brazil
Bundy Refrigeração Brasil Ind Com Ltda
Av. Dom João VI, 699
Parque Empresarial Santa Rita Socorro
Pindamonhangaba SP CEP 12412-805
Phone: (+55) 12 2126 6800
Fax: (+55) 12 2126 6824